Tuesday, January 2, 2007


Hi. I'm presently sitting in the lower level of the Science Center on campus (the really long and short building). They're teaching us how to use our internet accounts as well as something else regarding our writing seminar stuf...That doesn't start for a few minutes still, so no problem. I can't go into too many details at the moment, except to say: This place is sweet.

I haven't met my roommate yet.
I do have a phone number, but I can't remember it at the moment.
I haven't been given a mailbox assignment yet.
I take a math placement test and a french interview today.
I also register for classes and buy books today.
My room is pretty much set up.
My resident counselor (RC) is a really cool guy. an RC basically is an adult, usually with a spouse and children, who lives in the house with you, except they live there year round. They are there for guidance, maintaining order (apparently a necessity in Lowrey), and helping out with pretty much anything. His name is J.D., he's been here for 11 years, he's a RED SOX (!!!!) fan, and very cool.

Lots more to say later, gotta do more training for the moment. Also, pictures forthcoming when I haev time and when I actually take some pictures. Ta


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