Wednesday, January 3, 2007

For Real

Alright, now then, a real that I have time.

Presently it is about 8 in the morning on Wednesday, my first day of class. I have only one class on Mondays and Wednesdays, at 1040 for 2 hours. The class is titled Global Environmental Issues (2). My other two classes are Wildlife Conservation (2) and American Biography (3). I just signed up for them yesterday. They had us go through this whole training thing to know how to sign up for classes and look up certain things regarding classes. It's the same system they have at U of Illinois, so I breezed through it.

I also took my math placement test and did my french interview yesterday. I'm exempt from any foreign language, but I still might take a class or two, or even minor in it. I'm not sure when I'll hear about my math score, but I'm sure I don't need to worry.

I've met quite a few people in the few days I've been here. I can't remember half the names I've heard though. Several people from Africa (Ghana, Nigeria, and far), and most from USA, but only one guy is from Illinois so far. My roommate is actually from Stockton, CA, a mere 20 minute drive from where I was living with Granny. Charlie is his name. He's on the swim team here, he's a Mass Communications major, and he takes reaaaallly good pictures with his fancy Digital SLR camera. He's got one that is a 30 second exposure and it captures 5 separate lighting strikes while overlooking the bluffs.

Every day, during the week at least, there is half an hour set aside for CS study, usually done with the reading of the lesson. No classes can be scheduled at this time, and all offices shut down.

Every house has an RC (Resident Counselor)...literally someone who lives in the dorm year round. Mine is JD. He has a wife and daughter and has been here for 11 years. He's a really nice fella, he used to live in the Boston area, so he's a Patriots/Red Sox fan (like me, in case you're wondering) and he's very helpful/friendly, as are all the RCs. They all pretty much have open door policy into their living space, including JD. Usually it's just to hang out and watch TV or a certain movie (the rooms don't have cable TV and reception is no good).

There are lots and lots of nice people, most everybody is really. The campus is really nice too, of course. I was stricken with absolute happiness a few times, completely immobilizing my left hand.

My car can be parked on campus for only FIVE DOLLARS per quarter. I like that.

Sorry for the random-spurt format. Everything is happening all at once for me at the moment, so I'm just writing what I can remember.

JD was saying that a few times a quarter, most of the guys in the house will strip down to boxers, cover themselves in shaving cream, and run around part of campus shouting "West West West!" From what I've gathered, Ferguson usually throws thing at them for redemption. Ah, college. S'long for now, shower/breakfast time.



Kang Chang said...

William! whoa... how does this thing know my name? welcome to the new year. anyways... what is your major? sounds like a NRES sorta deal. well i just talked to you so... i'm sure i'll talk to you again. sounds like your having a grand old time. chum.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the happiness strikes are tied to the lightning out for that.

Anonymous said...

Its great hearing your news! Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Great work.