Saturday, January 20, 2007

This past week

Wowee, quite a busy week I had. Sorry for growing the anxiety of waiting to a fever pitch.

So I went to church on Sunday as usual. The service was nice, as always. Then the fun began. I think it was the Bears who played that night against the Seattle Seahawks. There were over a dozen of us watching in the RC's living room, with favoritism split pretty much down the middle. It was very exciting, with the Bears pulling it out in OVERTIME...with a 50-yard field goal, the longest of the kicker's career. A very exciting way to determine the fate of men who get paid millions to play a game.

Later that evening I went to my first hymn sing. That was really fun. We go to the Chapel and just sing hymns by request for half an hour. If you sit upstairs, it's a great view of the organist in action, pulling levers, pushing pedals, and playing two sets of keys at once. So that was a neat day.

On Monday I had a geography quiz on all of South America. We do a different region every week until we have done all of Earth. So I had to know the names of countries, their capitols, 4 main rivers, a few lakes, geologic featurse (Andes Mountains, Drake Passage, Tierra del Fuego, etc), as well as population levels in each country and each country's ecologic footprint. It's some number that represents the physical impact per capita on the environment, taking into effect consumption levels, cars, home sizes, and lots of other things. To measure YOUR footprint, click here. Mine's 18.

I finished a book for class titled Sickles the Incredible. I had a paper, graded discussion, and test on it all on Thursday. So that was a nice afternoon once I finished all of that. We are now starting a book about Mary Baker Eddy written by Sibyl Wilbur. It was published just about 100 years ago.

Friday (last night) I had class, work, then I watched Finding Forrester, went cosmic bowling for free (thank you Principia), then watched the Matrix. Quite a night. I slept in today and I have homework to do, then work from 6-730 in the dish room. Then the grand finale: Lowrey House Initiation. I have no idea what will happen. I've only been given these simple directions:

"Bedtime is 10:36, and DON'T ANSWER YOUR PHONE!"


Bill said...

I hope you survive to fill us all in on what happened....
nice knowing ya buddy.

Anonymous said...

I checked the news wires and did not read about any fatalities or serious injuries in the Alton - Jerseyville area over the weekend. Being a transfer student (more worldly and experienced), perhaps you were able to outwit some of the hijinks. Measured use of violance can rapidly overcome an upperclassman who is not properly prepared.